At the studio we believe that actors need a consistent platform upon which to play and challenge themselves to be the best they can be. The pressures of building a successful career as a performer in Los Angeles can be daunting as an individual’s focus can easily shift towards booking the next job instead of improving one’s craft. Yes, networking and business skills are important, but in the end it’s what one brings into a room, that unique stamp on a role, that ultimately books great jobs. Our primary goal is to reignite our students’ love for acting through personal growth in a supportive community of talented people. Jobs and acting career successes often are the result of an excitement and love for what one does. Below is a list of classes that we offer at this time. We look forward to working with you.
Ages 16+. This advanced/intermediate class focuses on audition prep for drama and comedy and how to take direction in an audition. On Fridays students login to the website to retrieve a newly assigned script, where they bring it in to class fully prepared as they would for an audition and then receive a full critique. If necessary, students may bring the same scene back the following week after having more time to deepen their work and incorporate the notes. Taught by Galadriel Stineman.
Ages 20+. This intermediate class is designed to strengthen an actor’s skill set in the specific techniques necessary to work on-screen. Students will learn to make strong choices, relax in front of the camera and bring their full authentic self to the roles they are playing. Back After Hiatus. Taught by Frederick Stuart.
*Anyone eligible to take more than one class can do so and will receive 50% off the price of the second class.
*All classes are on-going. All classes take place in our theatre located at: 8801 Cashio St, LA, CA 90035.
*Credit is given for paid acting work only.”